

"Will is character in action." ~ William McDougall





So why does willpower sometimes desert us when our intentions were so good and worthy? Actually, there are some very good reasons why this happens. And knowing them willhelp boost your willpower



Being able to say 'no' to yourself on occasion is vital.决心现在为后来的回报做出牺牲和努力,可以在幸福的履行和生活中挥霍之间的差异。


You and your mental muscles


This is why you shouldn't beat yourself up too much if your willpower sometimes sags after a particularly tough day. It might just be that you've been using it up in areasoutsideof where you really want to use it. Willpower - like any power - isn't inexhaustible.

This brings us to my first tip for boosting willpower:


新的一年往往是我们决定接下来的十二个月会有不同的时候 - “我要戒烟,学习网球,爬上勃朗峰,跑一场马拉松,并追求邻居......也许!”哇,坚持!一心一意。如果研究人员正确地使用WillPower耗尽它,那么它就没有尝试过许多基于WillPower的变化。





你知道使用WillPower甚至以与使用肌肉努力的方式使用的身体能量 - 即使你坐在休息吗?


Exerting willpower lowers your blood glucose levels. Since glucose is the same fuel that powers your muscles, using willpower literally fatigues the body(2)

所以就像与Popeye一样,研究人员(3)得出结论,意志力非常类似于physical strength in that:

  • Willpower is a mind-body response, not merely a mindset.
  • 使用WILLPOWER耗尽体内的资源(即可用葡萄糖)。
  • Willpower is limited (just like muscle power).
  • 意志力是可培训的(就像肌肉力量)。



是的,研究发现,通过杯柠檬水可以暂时恢复意志力(4)但问题是,我们越来越多的糖越多,我们就可以在我们的身体中管理胰岛素,这意味着我们更有可能感受到恐怖的“糖逢低”,这意味着我们将拥有lesswillpower. By starting to limit insulin-raising carbohydrates and sugary foods in your diet, you'll find that when you发挥意志力,你会越来越少了葡萄糖。因此,健康的饮食可以让更容易地参与更健康的饮食(或任何需要WillPower的东西)。


5) State your core values

When you feel weak, stating aloud (or to yourself if in public) your core values can be a quick and easy self-control booster, according to some more research(5)。研究人员推动了这一原因可能是因为当我们感到冲动时,我们停止思考并开始在情感驱动的本能上行事。Any打破本能戏曲的心态的方式可以是恢复行为缰绳的有效方式。所以有意识地打破冲动观看一个Sesame Streetrerun rather than get on with writing your novel by stating aloud (or to yourself), "Determination is important to me!" can actually boost your willpower.

Schmeichel和vohs对两组进行了研究,被要求在冰水中握住冰水中的令人不愉快的任务。被要求在WILLPower试验之前举办积极自我肯定陈述的小组明显优于对照组。这是因为锻炼自我控制通常意味着避免我们的自动响应,这可能是将手自动进入Cookie jar(我自己的默认设置)。所以,如果这项研究是什么可以通过的:

  • First evaluate when you are likely to weaken.
  • Next decide what your core value is in this context and what your affirmation(6)会是:“我重视婚姻。”,“诚实对我很重要!”“健康生活至关重要”。
  • 然后,当WillPower开始消耗时,准备使用这种自我肯定。



If we never exert willpower, we never get to exercise it and it gets flabby. The diagnostic term is 'laziness'. Don't be frightened to engage in activities that require effort. Make a promise to yourself that you won't give up, and exert that will; the more you exert it, the more it will grow. One friend of mine started having climbing lessons. Not naturally lithe, he found it a real struggle at first and, indeed, couldn't remember the last time he'd had to exert such willpower. But as the months progressed, he reported a strange thing: "It's like the willpower I've developed from the climbing has crossed over to help me in my job!" Use it or lose it.



But this is what perfectionists do. "If it's not completely perfect, it's a total failure!" And, "Even though I've lost 20lbs, because I had that piece of pizza I may as well forget the whole thing and binge out!" Give yourself some leeway. We can all be slovenly, unmotivated, and lazy sometimes (just as long as we're not this waymost的时间)。

Being a perfectionist can actually needlessly leak willpower because all kinds of stuff that don't need to be controlled through force of will get brought into the mix. Perfectionism is a fast-track route to feeling less motivated than Popeye during a national spinach shortage.

Boosting willpower is a combination of understanding that:

  • 意志力耗尽就像任何'燃料'一样。
  • 使用WillPower SAPS葡萄糖只是肌肉努力。
  • 意志力可以通过我在此概述的方式加强和培训。





  1. 他们的研究发表在心理与健康(Sept 24, 2009).
  2. The mind-body response of exerting willpower literally fatigues us (Tice et al., 2007). It depletes physical power, as shown in one study that looked at the effects of mental self-control on physical stamina (Bray et al., 2008). In this study, trying to control one's thoughts decreased muscular endurance, as measured by performance and EMG activity. The researchers who conducted this study called the effect 'central fatigue'. This all provides another reason why it might be a good idea to exercise first thing.
  3. 一项研究发现,锻炼自我控制是如此艰苦的工作,它可测量地耗尽我们的葡萄糖水平(Gailliot等,2007)。
  4. The Gailliot et al. study also found that having a glass of lemonade afterwards can restore us to full power.
  5. 施密尔和vohs(2009)。
  6. 似乎自我肯定并不普遍效力。例如,对于那些具有预先存在的低自尊的人,说明了关于自我的积极陈述(例如“我是一个可爱的人”)让他们感到更糟,更好地对自己更好。这种自尊心“提高”自我肯定似乎为人民工作already对自己感觉良好。加拿大研究人员来自滑铁卢大学和新不伦瑞克大学的加拿大研究人员出现在期刊上Psychological Science。心理学家还要求研究参与者列出了对自己的负面和积极的想法。他们发现,矛盾的是,当被允许具有消极思想时,那些具有低自尊的人的情绪更好,而不是被要求专注于肯定的想法。
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