
你好马克!这个网站对我帮助很大。谢谢! !…真的…我来自一个父亲在各个方面都很虐待人的家庭。妈妈是我的天使,我深深地爱着她。我的兄弟姐妹和我都非常亲密,在治愈和理解我们的犯罪者方面团结一致。他被关起来了,我们和他没有任何关系。在那期间,我们的母亲正在与乳腺癌作斗争。那是一段压力极大的时期。这比我们晚了7年。 We are in a much better situation now, my mom has been cancer free for years. Through all of those years we were all in therapy, diving in. Really working on our childhood traumas. I feel we have handled them very well & are all doing quite good for years. I've been a professional massage therapist for about 5 1/2 yrs. The last 2 1/2 for a very good plastic surgeon. He does work w breast cancer survivors. So I do lymph massage on all the post ops. I have been in an intimate dynamic with some post mastectomy reconstruction clients. It used to give me a little anxiety before I came encounter w the situation. But I chose to focus on the healing, I feel I passed with flying colors & compassion in those situations. I no longer got anxiety. Recently I was physically sick one week. Then a good life friend had told us he had HIV the night we through him a birthday party, the party went arri my friends state was very sad & shocking, I ended up being kept up until 4 30 am him balling to me. After that I did not feel quite right

然后在派对的下一周,我在一个新的电话客户端上工作。是我的一位客户医生推荐的。她做了乳房切除术,还有脊柱侧弯的问题。所以我们三个就像一个团队。互相汇报。当我开始为她工作时,我的身体感觉不是最好的,但我只是试着放松我的身体,坚持下去。在治疗她的过程中,看到她的乳房切除术留下的伤疤,真的让我很焦虑,我能感觉到我的身体有点害怕。但我只是集中精力,熬过去了。我回到家,一方面我感觉很好,另一方面我吓坏了,身体上感觉我精神崩溃了。几天来,我一直有可怕的恐惧和焦虑,我的身体神经系统感觉异常。 I don't know what to do. Luckily I have had some time off due to the holiday. I worked 1 day since the breakdown, I felt like a robot, my nerves still freaking out. I read on how to cope w that, thank you! Should I try to push through & still work in a post op position? I normally have anxiety sometimes. As a kid severe. I have not felt this level since I was a kid. Very nervous to go back to work. Logically I can sort it all. But apparently long undue stress has hit a platou. It feels.. I set a Dr 's apt. For some help. When calm thinking what worries me, none of it except that client that triggered me & to think of the state of my friend. Also the fear of someone I love dying tramatically. Is that the source of it all? Should I release the post op triggers?

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